Slurry Dewatering and Filtration Solutions

- Ore, Water and Slurry Characterisation
- Design Data Generation – flocculation, thickening, filtration tests
- Equipment Sizing
- Dewatering Circuit Design for Greenfields applications

- Laboratory and Pilot Scale Studies
- Site Audits and On-Site Tests for optimisation of Brownfields operations
- Technical adjudication of dewatering equipment tenders
- SteadyBed® thickener control philosophy
Speciality Solutions towards Dry Tailings Disposal
- Beyond conventional de-watering, i.e. paste thickening, pressure filtration and hybrid systems
- Tailings rheology modification
- Determination of tailings bleed water limit upon deposition
- Amelioration of tailings for rehabilitation
Ore Geo-Metallurgy

- In Partnering with
- Full Ore Characterisation
- Data Generation for Geo-Metallurgical Modelling
- Prediction of slurry / tailings process behaviour
CFD Modelling

- In partnership with
- CFD modelling is one of the tools used by Vietti Slurrytec in the auditing of dewatering equipment and allows for cost effective solutions to optimise thickener operation and specify upgrades.